04/04/24 Woman’s Club Update:
As we previously reported, the City owned Women’s Club building located at 403 Magnolia Street was to be renovated, but the amount of public funds required continued to increase to the point that the City stopped all remodeling activity in an attempt to reassess future efforts. Results from public meeting’s citizen majority position was that taxpayer’s and city should not spend any more money on the property. It was then decided by the Commission to sell the property with the intent that the buyer restores the building retaining its historic structure. The city Commission voted to include this restrictions and also set the RFP minimum bid based on appraisals and an effort to recoup the already expended city funds . The city staff had two appraisals done. Thus, the city staff established a minimum bid amount of $424,500.
Click here to see the RFP details.
The RFP continued the following Conditions:
“Rehabilitation of the Structure: Proposers acknowledge that the building cannot be demolished and that the structure shall be rehabilitated.”
Two bids were received. One did not meet either the minimum bid or the caveat to rebuild (it stated they would demolish the building.) The other one, from the Karter Presley Lynaugh Trust, did not meet the minimum bid, but did supply a very comprehensive and bid conforming description of how the building would be rebuilt and its future use as a rental venue. This bid offered $225,000. According to the published 04/09/24 meeting agenda, City staff recommends rejection of both bids, noting the following:
“This unit is in an R-5 zoning district, so the plan to make it a wedding hall does not appear to fit within the permitted use for this property.”
We checked the R-5 zoning regulations and reprint it here:
Intent. The R-5, Multifamily Residential District is a high density multiple-family residential district that permits mixed housing. It is suitable for large and small land parcels and is a buffer between single-family and business districts and for older residential areas. In addition, the district is designed to preserve ocean views and breezes, enhance roadside appearance and encourage well-planned projects.
Permitted uses. Playfields, Playgrounds, Public parks, Recreation buildings and complexes for residents and guests of a residential development single-family dwellings detached and attached, Duplex and multifamily dwellings including townhouses, apartments, and condominiums.
That seems to restrict any development of the property to one of the above options. The lot being non-conforming and thus R5 does not allow the building to be a rental venue. The lot allowing rental venue for future results would also result in inadequate parking.
On the positive side, we have learned that it may be possible for the City to still obtain the formerly approved Echo grant, which could aid in replacing some of the already expended funds by the City.
We suggest a modification to the above noted restriction that merely requires the developer to construct a simple stone monument with the National Historic Registry plague, along with another from the City, recognizing the history of the building at this site. The city with changes should then re-list property with national ads similar to 120 Flagler building and resolve this issue once and for all.
Click the following links for additional information on the bids received and the staff report: